ABA Therapy

ABA Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders


Service Overview

ABA therapy is designed to increase adaptive skills and provide effective behavior training for individuals ages 2-21 that are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD). These services are offered in the home or in our development center.

A child that is eligible for Autism Services usually experiences problems in one or more of the following areas:

  • Low or no language/communication
  • Lack of self-help skills
  • Lack of social skills
  • Demonstrate obsessive/compulsive behaviors
  • Has high magnitude of problem behaviors (e.g., tantrums, aggression, self injury)
  • Difficulty with potty training
  • Does not give eye contact

The focus of this program is to provide the parents, guardians and child[ren] with the tools necessary to improve the fundamental behaviors of the individual. One of our primary goals is to implement structure, stability, and strength within the child’s natural environment. Our intent is to assist the child’s family in successfully managing clinically designed behavioral modifications strategies in the home settings.

RCG’s Autism program seeks to individualize outcomes that are deemed relevant for the family, focusing on the child’s participation in activity settings that are important to the family and focus on the whole child rather that just on specific developmental skills.

Key Elements of the Program

  • Naturalistic applied behavioral analytic strategies
  • Expanding existing communication skills
  • Parental involvement fostered through parent training
  • Focus on interpersonal exchange and positive reinforcement
  • Shared engagement with joint activities to foster socialization skills
  • Decreases Problem Behaviors, Increases Positive Behaviors
  • Teaches Replacement Skills
  • Emphasizes Self-Awareness

Service Delivery

  • Work directly one on one with your child
  • Implement all behavioral protocols
  • Implement ABA curriculum
  • Record data
  • Provide parent(s) training
  • Provide family with updated reports to show progression

Role of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA):

  • Assess your child’s current level
  • Design ABA curriculum specifically to meet the needs of your child
  • Provide supervision to ABA Therapist
  • Oversee ABA curriculum and behavior program
  • Analyze data
  • Modify program as your child progresses