Assistive Technology for Communication

Assistive Technology for Communication


Service Overview

Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to improve functional capabilities to enhance learning, working, and daily living for persons with disabilities.

We believe that functional communication skills are a basic human right and a foundation for future learning. Some clients may not be able to express themselves effectively using spoken language. These clients may benefit from the use of AT such as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device. There are many devices available to empower clients to communicate.

What is Offered?

We provide comprehensive AT services to support clients who need help expressing themselves. We collaborate with the client’s home, therapy and school team to:

  • Identify the best AAC device to increase their communication skills
  • Provide access for clients to trial the AAC device to ensure that it meets their needs across their day at home, school and in their community.
  • Assist the family in accessing their insurance and/or other funding sources to purchase the AAC device.
  • Continue to collaborate with the home, therapy and school team to provide training to support our client’s communication skills and use of their AAC device so that they can communicate effectively and independently throughout their day.

Although we specialize in serving children with autism and developmental differences, our Assistive Technology team can provide AT services to children, adolescents, and adults who need access to an AAC device to help them communicate.